
QSEC/ Science and Citizenship
Season 5


F93 is one of the founders and operators of “Science and Citizenship/QSEC”, an operation in scientific culture in Ile de France which, every year since 2009, has brought several hundred residents together over a period of nearly eight months to explore and discuss a common theme. Water is the theme for the fifth and last season. As each year, the theme brought citizens in contact with all the scientific and technical disciplines which strive to analyse its composition and mechanisms. 


Qsec in Seine-Saint-Denis:

1/ Residence “La Butte aux Pinsons”
Theme: Drinking water in the past and today
Session 1: Introduction. Tasting bottled water and discussion of the composition of water. Analysis of the conductivity of the minerals to find out whether the various waters are rich in minerals 
Tutors: Jonathan Piard, PhD in chemistry, Jennifer Parize, mediator
Session 2: Visit to the exhibition “Water for Industry and for People” at the CIEAU (Water Information Centre.)
Tutor: Jennifer Parize, mediator
Session 3: Discussion of the exhibition seen the previous session.
Tutor: Marillys Macé, head of CIEAU
Session 4: Where does our tap water come from?
Tutor: Jean-Claude Oliva, water coordinator IDF
Session 5: Report and preparation of items
Final session: Lunch on the banks of the Marne. Les Guinguettes, Nogent-sur-Marne
Visit to the water treatment plant Bernard Cholin, Bonneuil-en-France

2/ Association “S.eau.S”
Theme: How to mobilise residents about water and the challenges it involves?
Session 1: Introduction to the theme, presentation of QSECTutor: Julie Zarka, Water Coordination Ile-de-France
Session 2: Ways to interest people about water management in Montreuil
Tutor: Emma Saunders, geographer
Session 3: Prospects of action with Est-Ensemble
Tutor: Adrien Roux, Alliance Citoyenne
Session 4: How to approach decision makers through art?
Tutor: Cha Ricordeau, Compagnie Empartance
Session 5: Involving residents around a garden.
Tutor: Gabriel Bonnefille, town planner and landscape architect from the association Pied à terre
Session 6: Devising scenes on the water as a way to mobilise people.
Tutor: Emy Levy from the Naje theatre troupe
Session 7: How do researchers, politicians and water professionals work together in Montreuil.
Tutor: Mathilde Soyer, president of Arceau
Session 8: Visit to the garden tended by Autour du Chêne.
Tutor: Edouard Sors, architect and town planner
Session 9: Report and preparation of items

3/ Association Amap “Tomate farceuse”
Aulnay sous bois
Theme: Water and agriculture
Session 1: Presentation of the project, choice of the theme and schedule
Tutor: Jennifer Parize, mediator
Session 2: Uses of water in France and water regulations
Tutor: Gaëlle Pétillon, hydrologist in charge of land slide risks at the CEMEA
Session 3: Water resources in the Ile de France
Tutor: Gaëlle Pétillon, hydrologist in charge of land slide risks at the CEMEA
Session 4: Risks of ground and water pollution caused by farming/use of plants to depollute the soil.
Patrick Seingier, farmer in Seine-et-Marne
Session 5: Phytoremediation of contaminated soils
Tutor: Frédéric Blaszkow, environmental engineer
Session 6: The spread of pollution
Tutor: Christian Weiss, biogeographer
Session 7: Report and outcome
Tutor: Jennifer Parize, mediator

4/ Local history society
Theme: The Marne from past to present
Session 1: Presentation of the project, choice of the theme and schedule
Tutor: Jennifer Parize, mediator
Session 2: Biodiversity along the Marne
Tutor: Jean-Pierre Jurado, historian
Session 3: Biodiversity along the Marne (cont.)
Tutor: Christian Weiss, biogeographer
Session 4: Leisure activities on the Marne
Tutor Christine De Klerk, “Culture guinguette”
Session 5 and 6: History of transport on the Marne
Tutor: historian, University of Picardy
Session 7: Report and outcome
Tutor: Jennifer Parize, mediator
Final session: Lunch on the banks of the Marne. Les Guinguettes, Nogent-sur-Marne

5/ Maison du temps libre
Theme: Water in daily life
Session 1: Presentation of the project, choice of the theme and schedule
Tutor: Mathieu Marion F93
Session 2: The water cycle
Tutor: Françoise Gigleux, association “L’eau est le pont”
Session 3: The water bill/ the price of water
Tutor: Françoise Gigleux, association “L’eau est le pont”
Session 4: Visit to the Pavillon de l'Eau, Paris 16
Session 5: Water as a common good
Tutor: Françoise Gigleux, association “L’eau est le pont”
Session 6: Report and outcome
Tutor: Jennifer Parize, mediator

6/ Association le Gros Saule
Theme: Water from the tap to the sea
Session 1: Presentation of the project, choice of the theme and schedule
Tutor: Francoise Gigleux, association “L’eau est le pont”
Session 2: The Pavillon de l'Eau, Paris 16. The challenges of water with a focus on the water cycle
The water cycle: from spring to tap.
Tutors: Francoise Gigleux, association “L’eau est le pont”- mediators from the Pavillon de l'Eau
Session 3: Navigation on the Canal de l’Ourcq: management by the Paris canals department and visit to the ultra modern lock at the Pont de Flandre.
Tutors: Paris Canals Department
Outing: Visit to the Paris sewers
Session 4: Biodiversity in the Sausset and the Conseil General’s water reservoir.
Tutors: Francoise Gigleux, association “L’eau est le pont” and Isabelle Jackisch, Maison de l’Environnement, Aulnay-sous-Bois
Session 5: Managing coastal environments at the Centre Aquacaux, Octeville-sur-Mer
Tutor: Etienne Simon, ecologist
Outing: Excursion on the estuary of the Seine
Session 6: Morphology of the beach: erosion/sedimentation, tides
Tutor: Paméla Barthelemy, tourist office, Villers-sur-Mer
Session 7: Report and outcome
Tutor: Francoise Gigleux, association “l’eau est le pont”

7/ Residents of Montreuil
Theme: The price of water, bills and meters
Session 1: Introduction de la Theme, presentation of QSEC
Tutor: Stefania Molinari, Coordination of Water in Ile-de-France
Session 2: The price of water and economic growth: the situation in Seine-Saint-Denis
Tutor: Vincent Glenn, filmmaker and member of the Forum for other Indicators of Wealth
Session 3: Managing water in an apartment building
Tutor: Renaud Dhont, Association des Responsable de Copropriété (ARC)
Session 4: Price of water and over charging
Tutors: Emmanuel Poilane, director of the Fondation France Libertés and Corinne Rinaldo, Confédération Nationale de Logement (CNL)
Session 5: Changing your meter: to save water and money?
Tutor: Bernard Barraqué, socio-economist, research director at the CIRED
Session 6: Tap water: who decides?
Tutor: Francesco Staro, anthropologist at University Paris 8.
Session 7: Report and outcome

8/ Groupe d'éléctrosensibles, Montreuil
Theme: Price of water, bills and meters
Session 1: Introduction de la theme, presentation of QSEC
Tutor: Stefania Molinari, Coordination Eau Ile-de-France
Session 2: Water prices and economic growth: the situation in Seine-Saint-Denis
Tutor: Vincent Glenn, filmmaker and member of the Forum for other Indicators of Wealth
Session 3: Managing water in an apartment building
Tutor: Renaud Dhont, Association des Responsable de Copropriété (ARC)
Session 4: The price of water and overcharging
Tutors: Emmanuel Poilane, director de la Fondation France Libertés and Corinne Rinaldo, Confédération Nationale de Logement (CNL)
Session 5: Changing your meter: to save water and money?
Tutor: Bernard Barraqué, socio-economist, research director at the CIRED
Session 6: Tap water: who decides?
Tutor: Francesco Staro, anthropologist at University Paris 8.
Session 7: Report and outcome

9/ Lycée professionnel Joseph-Cugnot (1st, professional baccalaureate Panel beating)
Theme: The chemistry of water
Session 1: Presentation of QSEC, and introduction to the Water theme
Tutor: Stéphane Coulaud, F93 project leader
Session 2: The taste of water. Tasting mineral water, spring water, sparkling water and tap water
Tutor: Jonathan Piard, PhD in chemistry, ENS-Cachan
Session 3: Elemental chemical analysis of bottled water
Tutor: Jonathan Piard, PhD in chemistry, ENS-Cachan
Session 4: Visit to the Pavillon de l'Eau Paris 16
Tutor: mediator at the Pavillon de l'Eau
Sessions 5-7: Water in film, discussion of a selection of films about water
Tutor: Philippe Troyon, documentary maker
Session 8: Outcome
Tutor: Amina Da Silva

10/ Lycée professionnel Joseph-Cugnot (Class in 1st year of CAP Private vehicle maintenance)
Theme: Water. The production of drinking water
Session 1: Presentation of the QSEC scheme, introduction to the Water theme.
Tutor: Stéphane Coulaud, F93 project leader
Session 2: The origins of the raw material
Tutor: Stefania Molinari, Coordination Eau Île-de-France
Session 3: The water cycle and recycling water
Tutor: Stefania Molinari, Coordination Eau Île-de-France
Sessions 4-8: “Frost”, creating an ephemeral production for a sustainable resource
Tutor: Florise Pagès, art advisor, Stéphane Sautour, plastic artist, work with high school students to create a work
Session 9: Outcome
Tutor: Amina Da Silva
Outing: workshop of a group of artists working on water in Montreuil

Regional meeting:
On 4 June 2014, 230 group members and delegates from the 71 groups involved in the project, along with water specialists and partners of QSEC, filled the large lecture theatre of the Ile de France Regional Council. Many beliefs and ideas formulated by the residents themselves were expounded during the afternoon. Moderated by the journalist Mathieu Vidard, the discussions focused on water treatment, pollution, local management and international stakes. Local residents and many guests, including Yves Lévi (professor of public health), Bernard Barraqué (socio-economist), Olivia Aubriot (research director at the CNRS), Corinne Larue (Agence Seine-Normandie) and Ghislain de Marsily (hydrologist) expressed their points of view.
Far from trying to reach a consensus on these issues, the discussion brought out the many different ways of exploring a theme – in this case, water – so that each participant is enriched by the points of view expressed by other members of the group.

Graphic design: ONE MORE STUDIO



Avec la période de confinement, les démarches initiées en collège ont connu quelques changements, également quelques aménagements et surprises. Le moment est venu de présenter ce qui a été finalisé par les élèves, les enseignants et les intervenants. Cet espace de diffusion rapporte nombre de témoignages visuels, sous des formats à la fois fixes et animés, et invite les visiteurs à une découverte différenciée : en cela par projet identifié ou d’une manière plus aléatoire.